Life in the raw


Entries from 2013-06-01 to 1 month

A was too …to〜(あまりに○○だったので)

I was too tired to write a diary. I wanted to watch that TVshow,but I fell asleep befor it started. I've been short of sleep lately. so…I suppose it's about time I went to bed now.

Self-introduction (今更)Day 1

Let me introduce myself to you. I'm 25 years old. I work for oral surgery. I'm interested in Cooking ,and art. Study Honzen ryori (full-course haute cuisine). I take a cook license this summer. That's all for today. See you tomrrow.

I wish (that)〜 実際には無い事

I wish I could Fly to in the world. 世界中に飛んでいけたらいいのになぁ。(例文) I will be going to a beauty salon from 4PM today. 今日はこれからエステに行きます。 I wish I want to be pretty,…as much as possible. 少しでも綺麗になれたらい…

Day 1…afresh

Hello there. こんにちは。 Sorry for everything slapdash a diary. いままで手抜きの日記ですいませんでした。 It has finally calmed down. Of something than before …a little. 仕事が落ち着いてきましたので前よりマシになると思います。 I'll try my …

I wonder what I should do?

I want to go to the sea. I want to go far away!!!!! 英語を勉強する暇が無い…みんな社会人になってから、どうやって勉強したの?? ただ単語をipodに入れて聞き流す日々。 来年ロシアに旅行に行きます。 英語圏では無いww 使い道が無いから上達しな…

Feel so good.

I'm resting now. It's Monday.… Let's do our best again this week!

I write diary are summarized in day off…

Today I was tired ...

Firefighting training.

It has been to hot recently.

I planted tulip sunflower. I can't wait for them to come out. 語学力が無さすぎて、内容の無い日記しか書けないよぉ。 仕事帰ってから、日記書くのはダメだね。

Take a rest 

この写真、アメリカで撮りました。 右の家は裕福な家、そして左の家が貧しい家でした。 その間に悠然と青空があります。 楽しい旅行だったのに、この私有地で私は勝手に哀愁を感じました。 私たちの国もアメリカと同じ民主主義です。 これは、私達の国にも溢…

Onsen…hot spring…Hitou…secret hot spring

I took a leisurely bath. Soaking in the bath takes my fatigue away. I want to go to a hot spring. This photograph is a photograph of Inuyama is in AIchi.

I want physical strength...

今日は休みです。過労ですw I am off today.I feel overworked…Sigh , phew I lounge around in my room this morning. Nothing to do with Photo. But, this is a photo I took ★

I hope to 〜(〜できるといいな)

Learning English is much harder than I imagined. I guess I was too optimistic. I hope to be abel to speak English fluently. *fluently-流暢に